Most companies have been faced with the following scenario before.
Your client has been a reliable customer who has made payments on time, up until now. However, for whatever reason, you now cannot get them to pay overdue accounts. Despite phone calls and reminders, no payments seem to be forthcoming.
You don’t want to call in debt collectors, because that could seem heavy-handed and might ruin a relationship over what might be a temporary financial hurdle for your client. But that is where using a professional like NuDebt comes in.
“Despite popular belief, it is possible to collect overdue accounts without causing bad blood between you and your clients.”
Collecting debt and monies owed does not have to equal using aggressive tactics to strike fear into clients, which in turn scares them away from your business.
A professional and established collections company like NuDebt knows how to take client specific strategies, in-dated communication and payment channels and use theses resources to not only successfully collect outstanding debt, but ensure a lasting and confident relationship between you and your clients, ensuring your company’s cashflow remains strong.
Maintaining a good customer relationship will be easier to achieve if your accounts receivable systems are managed by a team of professionals who understand your needs and business practices, allowing you to continue building relationships with customers and increasing your profits.
Even your most difficult client should understand that your service isn’t free, and you need to be cautious about credit in order to preserve a healthy cash flow position for your business, and when NuDebt is handling that interaction, you can be assured that the relationship with your client will remain intact, and you will celebrate reduced debtor days and increased cash flow.
Click here to find out about partnering with NuDebt.